
Process Itinerary

A Journey of Unfolding



Collaborations begin with a complimentary zoom call.

We’ll discuss things like: where you are on your business journey. Deliverables needed. Timelines. This scheduled time is all yours. Ask questions. Discuss specificities. Gain clarity.

Once everything is set in stone, we begin.

Book your call now 



Phase 2 is all about unveiling layers to get to the heart who you are, your essence .

To start this process, you’ll dive into the questionnaire (more about that here) .

Once completed, using your answers, I go into my creative channel and begin weaving the fabric of your brand.


After the personalized deck has been designed and prepared, we’ll sit down for the showing.

I walk you through and introduce all the threads that ultimately make up your brand DNA.

Your branded assets are then zipped and handed over to you.

With the right tools in hand along with a clear strategic vision; You can continue walking along your path, paving a unique imprint on the world as you watch your business flourish.


a note

This branding process is a highly unique strategy designed to extrapolate the essence of who you are onto the forefront of your business.

With that, creating consumer engagement and connection will begin with you. This is a journey of inner exploration. One of truth and alignment.

Is it one you’re ready for?

It’s not really about the rebrand it’s just the remembering.