
Here are some answers.

  • The way I do things is a little unorthodox but it works. The questionnaire is personal and it may throw people off when they first get it, but it helps me see who YOU really are. I draw inspiration from the soul behind the brand so you can see your own reflection in it.

    Otherwise, how would you connect with your own brand? How would the right clientele connect with YOU?

  • The short answer is; Sorry but no!

    A logo is just a small piece of much bigger picture.

    It’s important that brands are launched with resonance and cohesion, which means that they need to be rounded out with assets that support and compliment them across all platforms.

  • I only take on 1-2 clients at a time so I can fully dive into each project, attention undivided. Flexible deadlines stem from knowing that each client’s self-reflection process is difficult to estimate. Authentic answers sometimes need more time and giving people that time has proven to lead to some pretty eye-opening results.

    I’ll always do my best to give rough estimates of finished products but ultimately it will depend on the turnaround of the content I need to get started.

  • Waiting is the worst (see my sun sign below) but showing you puzzle pieces won’t give you an accurate indication of the overall picture.

  • Aries. Aquarius. Scorpio. What’s yours?

  • A 50% nonrefundable deposit is required so your time can be reserved . The rest is due prior to the release of assets.

    Payments can definitely be arranged and split into smaller installments.

  • Payments are accepted through Paypal or E-transfer using

  • Yes. I’ve found Squarespace to be a user-friendly platform that clients can continue to update and tweak on their own as time goes on. Don’t worry, I always give a tutorial at hand-off!